Restoration Massage-Greensboro Brand Photography

It has been an idea in her head for awhile now.

Opening her own small business was a huge leap of faith and Kelly did a beautiful swan dive right into the middle of it.

She knew that the type of business she wanted was different than most massage clinics. She wanted to focus on therapeutic massage. This is perfect for those with injuries, muscle soreness, spasms, etc.

This means that her brand and images MUST convey that message across her website and social media.

When she contacted me about a personal brand photo shoot, we got really specific on who her ideal client is, why they are coming in and what do they need to know about the experience.

My client questionnaire is a way for me to understand my client’s needs, niche and message.

We set up the shoot and recruited models that are similar to her ideal client. Then, Kelly did her exact client experience while I took a bajiliion photos. We want to show her clients what it is like to work with Kelly and how they will feel during the experience.



If you are in the Cary or Clayton area, go see Kelly!! She is incredible!

Kelly now has a folder full of images to use on her website, social media, email campaigns, etc. Her content is set for a good long while.

Are you ready to have images that show off your business? Click below!


Three reasons you need a Brand Photo Shoot pronto!


The 90's called. They want their headshots back